This region has a population of over 68,000 total births and 1,250 very preterm births per year in 68 maternity units with 8 neonatal units. Data are routinely collected in a NICU dataset on low birth weight infants.
Flemish Centre for Study of Perinatal Epidemiology (SPE)
The Flemish Centre for Study of Perinatal Epidemiology is an non-profit association, created in 1987 by gynaecologists and paediatricians with the aim of improving perinatal health. SPE was responsible for perinatal data collection and for the follow-up at 2 years of age. This work was headed by the Principal Investigator Patrick Van Reempts and Evelyne Martens and Guy Martens from the SPE.
Centres for Developmental Disabilities (CDD) in the University Hospitals of Flanders
The University of Antwerp has taken over as partner for the 5 year follow-up in the SHIPS project under the direction of Jo Lebeer. The study will be carried out in the Centres for Developmental Disabilities at the University Hospitals of Antwerp, Leuven, Gent & Brussels.
Contact person in Belgium: Jo Lebeer (UAntwerp)